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Vitali Socks
Vitali Socks

Tora-san, The Expert YIFY

This is the 20th film in the Otoko wa tsurai yo -franchise. If you thought they were gonna do something special for this occasion, you thought wrong. Yamada and the gang don't really like messing with the formula...Torajiro returns home and finds, that a young family friend Ryosuke (Nakamura Masatoshi) has moved in. At first the two don't get along - there's the usual fight - but after drinking together, Tora assumes the role of an older brother. He finds out that the young man is painfully shy, but has a crush on a cute waitress. Since Tora-san is an expert in matters of love, good advice is bound to follow...This is a relaxed entry where the central focus is on new characters. The main "madonna" (Fujimura Shiho) doesn't show up in quite a while. There were a few funny bits, like Tora's description of a perfect date ("go see a Japanese comedy") and the first meeting between Tora and Ryusuke. If there remains any point to making qualitative comparisons between these films, I preferred entries 18 and 19 to this one, but then, even this is nowhere near the dullest of the bunch.

Tora-san, the Expert YIFY



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