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How to Play Hokm: A Guide for Beginners
Hokm is a card game that originated in Iran and is now widely played in many countries around the world. It is a trick-taking game that can be played with two, three, or four players. The game uses a standard 52-card deck and has some similarities to other games like Whist, Spades, and Bridge. However, Hokm also has some unique features that make it challenging and exciting.
In Hokm, one player becomes the Hakem (meaning "ruler" or "trump maker") and chooses the trump suit for the round. The Hakem also leads the first trick and has some advantages over the other players. The goal of the game is to win as many tricks as possible with your partner (if playing with four players) or by yourself (if playing with two or three players). The first team or player to win seven points wins the game.
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Hokm is a game that requires both luck and skill. You need to have a good memory, a keen sense of observation, and a strategic mind. You also need to communicate well with your partner (if playing with four players) and anticipate your opponents' moves. Hokm is a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. It is easy to learn but hard to master.
How to play Hokm: The basic rules and gameplay of Hokm
The following are the basic rules and gameplay of Hokm for four players. For variations for two or three players, see the FAQs section below.
Setting up the game
The four players form two teams of two, with partners sitting opposite each other.
One player shuffles the deck and deals one card face up to each player in a counter-clockwise direction. The first player to receive an Ace becomes the Hakem for the round.
The dealing continues until another player receives an Ace. This player becomes the partner of the Hakem. The players may change their seats if necessary so that partners sit opposite each other.
The player to the right of the Hakem becomes the dealer for the round. The dealer shuffles the deck again and deals 13 cards to each player in batches of 5-4-4 or 5-3-3-2.
After receiving the first five cards, the Hakem announces the trump suit for the round. The trump suit can be any of the four suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, or clubs). The other players are not allowed to look at their cards before the trump suit is announced.
Playing the game
The Hakem leads the first trick by playing any card from their hand. The other players must follow suit if they can, meaning they must play a card of the same suit as the lead card.
If a player does not have a card of the same suit as the lead card, they can play any card from their hand, including a trump card.
The trick is won by the highest card of the trump suit played, or if no trump cards are played, by the highest card of the suit led.
The winner of the trick collects the cards and leads the next trick.
The play continues until all 13 tricks are played.
The team that wins seven or more tricks wins the round and scores one point.
If a team wins all 13 tricks, they score two points instead of one.
If a team wins seven or more tricks without losing any tricks (called kot or kap), they score two points instead of one.
If a team wins seven or more tricks without using any trump cards (called rikht or rish), they score three points instead of one.
The first team to score seven or more points wins the game.
How to win Hokm: Some tips and tricks to improve your skills and strategy
Hokm is a game that requires both luck and skill. You need to have a good memory, a keen sense of observation, and a strategic mind. You also need to communicate well with your partner (if playing with four players) and anticipate your opponents' moves. Here are some tips and tricks to help you improve your skills and strategy in Hokm:
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Choosing the trump suit
As the Hakem, you have the power to choose the trump suit for the round. You should choose the suit that you have the most cards of, especially if you have high cards like Aces, Kings, or Queens.
You should also consider the suits that your partner and opponents have. If you know or suspect that your partner has a strong suit, you can choose that suit as the trump suit to help them win more tricks. If you know or suspect that your opponents have a weak suit, you can choose that suit as the trump suit to prevent them from winning tricks with it.
You should avoid choosing a suit that you have only one or two cards of, unless they are very high cards like Aces or Kings. This is because you will not be able to follow suit when that suit is led, and you will have to rely on your trump cards to win tricks.
Leading and following tricks
As the leader of a trick, you have the advantage of choosing which card to play first. You should try to play a card that will either win the trick or force your opponents to play their high cards or trump cards.
If you have a strong hand in the trump suit, you can lead with a trump card to capture any non-trump cards played by your opponents. This is especially effective if you know or suspect that your opponents have low cards in the trump suit.
If you have a strong hand in a non-trump suit, you can lead with a high card in that suit to win the trick or force your opponents to play their trump cards. This is especially effective if you know or suspect that your opponents have few or no cards in that suit.
If you have a weak hand in both the trump suit and the non-trump suits, you can lead with a low card in any suit to save your high cards or trump cards for later. This is especially effective if you know or suspect that your partner has a strong hand in any suit.
As a follower of a trick, you must follow suit if you can, meaning you must play a card of the same suit as the lead card. If you cannot follow suit, you can play any card from your hand, including a trump card.
If you are following a trick led by your partner, you should try to help them win the trick or save your high cards or trump cards for later. You can do this by playing a low card if your partner's card is likely to win the trick, or by playing a high card or a trump card if your partner's card is likely to lose the trick.
If you are following a trick led by an opponent, you should try to win the trick or force them to play their high cards or trump cards. You can do this by playing a high card or a trump card if you have one, or by playing a low card if you don't.
Remembering and counting cards
A good memory and a keen sense of observation are essential skills for Hokm. You should try to remember which cards have been played and which cards are still in the hands of your partner and opponents.
You should also try to count how many cards of each suit and rank are left in the deck and in the hands of your partner and opponents. This will help you estimate the probabilities of winning or losing tricks with different cards.
You can use some tricks to help you remember and count cards, such as associating each card with an image, word, or sound; grouping cards into categories; repeating cards out loud or in your head; or using mnemonic devices.
How to download Hokm: Where to find the best Hokm apps for your device
If you want to play Hokm on your device, you will need to download an app that supports Hokm. There are many Hokm apps available for different platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. However, not all Hokm apps are created equal. Some Hok m apps are better than others in terms of graphics, features, gameplay, and user reviews. To help you find the best Hokm app for your device, I have compiled a list of some of the most popular and highly rated Hokm apps available on different platforms. Here they are:
Hokm حكم Card Game
This app is designed for iPad and iPhone users who want to play Hokm with their friends online or offline. The app has a simple and elegant design, a smart and challenging AI, and a multiplayer mode that supports up to four players. You can